I work with men & women from around the world, helping them reach + surpass their goals. If they can do it so can you !
Lucas @ldm_19
"Massive shoutout to @Brandonmichaelfit for helping me through the hard stages to finally get the results i've always wanted! "
Kyle @kyle_lott
"Like I always said, I wouldn't have gotten here without your help and guidance. You're an incredible person and truly care about your clients so thank you!"
Michael @itsmichaelb
"I want to really thank you for everything you've done for me! You've changed my life in so many ways and I wouldn't be where I am without you. Big things are coming!"

Mike R
"The diet has been great.Each week i'm getting better and better, every day I look a bit different!"

Francisco @Prestigiousfr21 (snapchat)
"This really means a lot to me!! Gosh.. to realize that used to be me , this is truly something else! I can't wait for the before and after picture 3 months from now. My physique is really changing! Let's keep grinding!"

Aidan @Aidanjam94 (Snapchat)
"I've been keeping to the diet and exercise and made some serious progress! The shoulder workout is brutal, my arms are starting to add size."
Josh @joshgoldberg
"Feeling amazing! These workouts are wild. Right before I went to bed I had veins coming out of my armpits down to my obliques. It was crazy"

"Some people need the extra push or motivation to get inspired and thats what Brandon brings to the table. He is by far one of the most impactful people I have met throughout my life and continues to be there just for the extra push."
Stephen @Stephensoldo
"Down 35 lbs and I couldn't be more thankful for you pointing me in the right direction to get mein the best shape of my life!"
Ariana @Honeybunny_323
"Thank you Brandon for pointing me in the right direction and genuinely helping me achieve my goals!"
Elly @Ellyyexo
Your process definitely works! I'm really understanding how eating the correct foods for your body makes a difference. Thanks so much"

"I'm loving the supersets! And I also took my measurements and wholly cow, I've grown 2 inches about everywhere."

Tyler @Tyler_rego_
"Getting shredded! Todays body circuit was killer, I'm getting leaner by the day."

Ryan @Ryeguys
"Thanks for creating the plan. It's awesome!"

Robert @Robert.Hawkins84
"I've gained about 7 lbs in 6 weeks which i'm super happy about. The workouts are killer and i'm enjoying them alot..."

Cody @cody_craw
"Brandon, thanks so much! The workouts are challenging. I appreciate all your help"

"I'm seriously loving the program! Thank you so much for all the motivation"

"Thanks Brandon I feel so much better!

Broc Tolifson (facebook)​
"I just wanted to say thank you for being you. For being better than average or any coach. From day 1 you cut through all the bull crap and have been real with me, even when I didn't want it , but I NEED IT. Thanks Brandon"

Taylor Klee @T_kleee
"Nutrition is going good, I feel better now and have way more energy. I like the training a lot. Thanks!"

Rebecca @Rebecca_kl
"I want to say a huge thank you to @Brandonmichaelfit because without your coaching wouldn't be where I am today. You've managed to motivate me in ways that I never could have done myself and that motivation has allowed me to grow and become a better version of myself..."

"When I first started I was looking for help on how to get the body I wanted but I ended up getting a new lifestyle that has not only helped me look better but feel better as well. Thank you so much for all your help & helping me to change my life for the better!"

"Overall I am happy with the results. My body is sore all over!"

"G'day mate! Feeling great and everythigns coming together. Thanks for the awesome workouts."

Joseph @Joeyflvcco
"Thank you for everything you have taught me over the past 16 weeks! I am very appreciative and happy with the results."

Nicole @Nikstarfit
"@brandonmichaelfit you are seriously the best coach ever. You listen to your clients, you don't sugarcoat you tell it how it is, and how it should be. I love that about you! Anyone would be lucky to have you!"

Mydawb @Mydawb
"Feeling better every week as usual. Your motivation continues to inspire me and I'm so glad I found you to coach me"

Paris @ObeyParisg (snapchat)
"Feeling the shred and loving these endorphins, Thank you coach Brandon for the confidence!"


"Thank you so much! The cardio and the ab circuits you created are the best because they never get boring!"

Cassie @Legacychik
"Thank you for all your guidance and advice. I have learned so much and I am fully changing the way I eat thanks to you."

Steven @Gabsteve
"I've said it before and i'll say it again. You sir are a genius. You are a great coach with tons of knowledge. I have never looked this good! "

Leslie @Lezzle23
"Saw my family at a wedding this weekend, my brother was like DAMN at my quads! This is the best I have felt and looked in a long time."

Jonathan @MonitoArevalo
"I'm super stoked with the way my progress is going! Thank you my brother I really appreciate your work. Bless."

Arda @ArdaKoyunsev
"I love the workout program and the nutrition program. Thanks a lot, I feel so much leaner!"

Nolan @Nolantonucci
"You definitely made prep as enjoyable as it can be haha. Thanks for answering all my rookie questions and going the extra mile. A great coach and a great guy!"

Kyler @Kylerkedroske
"My muscles are pumped up and I really notice the results! I've always been a hardgainer, but now I feel so much better."

Tyson @tyson_matthewsb4l
"I have always had a broad/ big chest but @brandonmichaelfit really filled it out with a range of incline flys, presses and techniques to fill it out and balance it. For the ultimate in online coaching hit up @brandonmichaelfit ... you will not find a more passionate and enthusiastic mentor."

"Feeling great with my results! My energy level has improved and i'm noticing a difference in my stomach. Thanks!"

Amar @AmarShereMD
I don't usually post pics like this but my bro @brandonmichaelfit deserves recognition! I trained with him for just 12 weeks and this was the results. He is the most humble and knowledgeable trainer I've worked with. He exceeded all my expectations for an online trainer and continuously changed my plans according to my progress. He is truly committed to helping you reach your goals..."

Steven @Srm1986 (snapchat)
The alternating workouts you put together kick my ass!!! I appreciate all the help and support!

Down 60lbs in 12 months. "I feel really good. The training is challenging and I'm enjoying my food. Thank you my brother!

Ivan @Ivanovich_patagucci
"I just want to thank you for believing in me. It means the world to me. 20 years later and I can still call you my friend. The craziest part is i've only lost 1 lb but look totally different."

Jen @Jenmakeuphair
"I love the plans, I cant believe how much food is involved! Thanks for everything, I really appreciate the inspiration and motivation!"

Brian @bspencer22
"B!!! Thanks to you, I am literally in the best shape of my life. I'm learning so much from you it's unbelievable. I've never seen results this dramatically so quickly."

When choosing a trainer I wanted to pick someone with a strong work ethic, yet with strong humbleness. I have been very pleased with my results since I made the choice to have @Brandonmichaelfit be my coach. I highly recommend anyone interested in fitness to look into @Brandonmichaelfit! This guy is a friend to me now.
Jeff @ScandariatoJ

Ricky @Ricky_Meschow
I started working with Ricky when he was 200 lbs and had 6 weeks to get ready for a summer vacation. His biggest fear was loosing muscle and size. Well after 6 weeks he was 185 lbs shredded and stronger than ever. Minimal cardio and plenty of carbs were key to maintaining his muscularity and transforming his physique.

Blake @Blakedutton
"Taking a stab at transformation Tuesday with the completion of my custom diet and training program with Brandon Michael fit. If you're looking to make a change for the better with fitness and just overall health in general Brandon is the guy you need to contact. He's an amazing support system that makes sure you see results. Hands-down one of the best decisions I've ever made! "

Huge thank you to Brandon Michael fit! You are the real deal! I followed you for a while and many other athletes. I decided that you were who I wanted to gain knowledge from and also take my fitness to the next level. You have always been humble and just an all-around genuine guy. I look forward to putting in the work with the skills you have given me #NoScam #RealWork #RealCoaching #Humble #ThankYou #LessTalkMoreWork
Blake @BT_Rosenkoetter
"Thank you so much @BrandonMichaelfit. You've been incredible through this all. Great at all components. Motivator, nutrition and workouts. Truly inspiring. Thanks buddy"
Omar @OmarJundi_fit

"Another week in the books! Training was damn intense this week.Got really good pumps for every lift. Diet is a breeze. Loving every rep and meal you have set for me, I'm feeling better than ever!
Adonis @Adonis_Tountas

"We Killed it bro. Gained so much strength along with losing all that body fat, it's unreal brother..
You're awesome ! "
Frank @Frankporto12

In only 8 weeks Jonathan @JayyyTanggg has completely changed his physique. He went from fluffy to having a lean, aesthetic physique. Jonathan is only 18 years old but he puts in hard work and stays consistent with the custom diet and training plan I created for him. Oh and the best part? He works out from home, doesn't even go to the gym and he is an advocate of anti-bullying.
Jonathan @JayyyTanggg

Hard work DOES pay off
Really proud of the progress my client Navin made in 82 days. He went from big & bloated to chiseled with abs. I've watched him progress every week and he just keeps getting better. Navin succeeds because he follows the plan I created for him, he's extremely motivated and he stays consistent. No excuses! He preps meals and hits the gym at 6 am. Congrats on your progress so far brother, your hard work shows.
Navin @Team_Nevs

Shoutout to my hardworking client Nate @Naaaaate . Nate wasn't terribly out of shape, but he wanted a more aesthetic muscular physique without loosing size. Nate accomplished this by following the plan I created for him. We've been working together for almost 2 months and he is killing it.
Bodyfat decreased , muscularity increased. His shoulders, abs, and chest are way more defined. Congrats on your progress brother, I'm proud of you.
Nate @Naaaaate

Proud of this guy right here! My client John @JohnMingle originally said to me " I want to be toned, lean, defined. My core has always been a weak spot" Johns core is not a weak spot anymore . 4 weeks later he looks like a new person and those goals have been reached. Your hard work shows bro. Keep up the great work!
John @JohnMingle

This one is for the ladies. 30 day transformation from female client . She just checked in this morning and I'm so proud of her. She hasn't even been able to train upper body the past few weeks - this is just lower body, and effective diet. She wanted slimmer waist & more toned legs and achieved her goal. Oh and she just had a newborn - no excuses !!!
Client would like to remain Anonymous

My hardworking client Zac completed the first phase of his plan perfectly. He dropped 12 lbs and looks way more aesthetic. His shoulder to waist ratio (v taper) has improved significantly.

Amazing transformation by my client Emilio @emiliolopezjr. I am so proud of this guy, he came a long way and totally changed his lifestyle by shifting his focus to health + fitness. Emilio stayed very consistent with his diet + training. When you put in the work + follow the right plan, you can achieve anything!
Emilio @emiliolopezjr

Some inspiration from one of my first clients @Deebo252. He dropped 25 lbs. by sticking to the training & nutrition plan I created for him. Results like this don't happen easily. He stayed consistent every single day. Anything is possible if you're willing to put in the work.
Bo @Deebo252

Brandon, Thanks for everything! YOU THE MAN!
Tuan @Tuaneboieee

Hey coach B!! I feel so healthy I'm so happy. Pure genius with the workout on legs. I'm so sore and I love it! I've dropped over 6% body fat and I'm noticing muscle in new areas. Thank you !

"Some people need the extra push or motivation to get inspired and thats what Brandon brings to the table. He is by far one of the most impactful people I have met throughout my life and continues to be there just for the extra push."

I feel great! I've never been this lean before and it makes me want to work even harder. I'm so glad to see these results so quickly. I couldn't have done it without you bro

My Coach Fuc*ing rocks! Pat yourself on the back Brandon. I couldn't have done this without you. You give a more personal approach. That's what I thrive on. You'll keep me in check when I start to go off on a rant, or when needed. I feel I can ask you anything, and you'll give honest feedback.

Shoutout to my client Zach @zstein10 . He ate carbs , he enjoyed his meals , he didn't do hours of cardio and stuck to the plan everyday. He's an extremely hard worker and deserves a lot credit Great job brother
Zach @zstein10

Shoutout to my motivated west coast client Jerry, @jrgantan . In 28 days he's added quality size and lost fat around his midsection. He follows his custom diet and training plan perfectly and his hard work shows! Can't wait to see how you look in another 4 weeks brother, keep up the amazing progress.
Jerry @jrgantan

Thank you my man! I can't say it enough. I am loving the process. You really know your stuff!
Billy @Fitness_Together_Baskingridge

You're a genius! I'm loving this plan. Slowly leaning out and definitely getting stronger each week. I did my Olympic lifts for the first time since I started and completely demolished my PR's in everything, and I feel amazing.
Niko @Nikoconuts

Shoutout to my client . Liam is a true ectomorph who had a hard time putting on quality gains. After 4 months of following the training and diet plans I created for him he gained muscle, dropped bodyfat and got shredded. Liam stayed consistent and his hard work shows. Great job brother, I'm proud of you and your transformation so far!!
Liam @liamthornhill7
So proud of my client @justdrea_20. She came to me frustrated because she reached a sticking point. We worked closely together and I developed her training & diet routine. The fat literally melted off she had to ask me " COACH! is it normal to lose 7 lbs in a week?” This is not expected every week but because @justdrea_20 followed the plan, worked her butt off, kept a UPBEAT POSITIVE ATTITUDE, she is reaping the rewards of hard work with the right plan. She eats fruits. She eats avocado. She eats rice. She squats. She lifts hard. Great job !
Andrea @justdrea_20

My client @Andrew_Mendoza82 is progressing nicely. Keep up the great work brother. Here's a 19 year old guy from small town in Arkansas who was inspired to compete . He works full time, goes to school full time, no excuses. If you want it bad enough you'll make it a priority
Andrew @Andrew_Mendoza82

So proud of Kyle! He started at 180 and weighed in today at 173 lbs ( bottom right) . Small progress each week has lead to a strong transformation in only 8 weeks. He is one of the most motivated clients I've had - no excuses and constantly trying to improve
Kyle @K_Vol69