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This is the FEMALE verision of The Summer Body. This is an instant download you will receive immediatley. Video links are included in the program.


The Summer Body 10 week program is broken down into 3 phases.

Phase 1: Weeks 1-4

Phase 2: Weeks 5-7

Phase 3: Weeks 8-10


Whats included in The Summer Body 10 Week Program?


Access to 300+ exercise videos

You will see sets, reps, form and be able to understand the proper way to perform an exercise. I have categorized the videos into different muscles groups so its very easy to navigate through the videos.


3x Training plans

Instantly get your body in fat burning mode! The traning plan will be 6 days per week, if you cannot train 6 days per week that is fine.You must be able to train at least 3x per week. You can train from home if you have equipment. The workouts will be approximatley 45 minutes long, not including cardio + abs.


Detailed Grocery List 

over 100 food items + pictures of every item.


1x Meal Planning Guide

This is a simple example, not a custom meal plan. This example will be used as a guide on how to portion meals based on total calories.If you want 3 meals a day or 6 meals a day , I will explain how to correctly portion each meal to meet  nutritional goals.


10x Cardio Plan

Burn fat and have fun, the cardio sessions I created for you are only 20 minutes long. You'll recieve 5 indoor cardio plans & 5 outdoor cardio plans. The 5 indoor Cardio Plans are fully explained with type of machine , resistance, duration. 5 outdoor Cardio Plans can be performed no equiptment necesarry! The variety in cardio will make a big difference in your results!



5 different ab circuits

Each circuit is composed of different exercises with a focus on slimming the waist and defining your abs + obliques.


Cheat Meal Guide

Full explanation of cheat meals and when to eat them. Examples of cheat meals are given


Access to private Facebook group

Lifetime access to my private facebook group



Please note: The Summer Body Program does not include a custom nutrition plan. Custom nutrition is included with online coaching programs of 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 16 weeks and 20 weeks. 

  • Weeks 11-20 free

    You will receive weeks 11-20 free via email by the end of the day you purchase.

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